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Talking Juan

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Do you feel a bit lonely when playing online games? We know how to fix it! Get a virtual friend to have fun together. This entertainment offers you to adopt a cat named Juan. This lovely pet will immediately remind you of Talking Tom. But Juan is even more adventurous and never stops exploring the world. You will have to accompany your new friend in all his trips and help him cope with all the trials he may face on his way. The cat will make you overcome lots of barriers and obstacles and just have fun. Are you ready to take this cool pet under your control in this online entertainment?

Take care of Juan and not only!

The winning feature of this cool game is that you can take care of your virtual pet but also, you can also tease him. You will help Juan perform a lot of routine activities – help him take a shower and clean teeth, put him to bed. And of course, do not forget to give him some food. You can play an evil joke with your virtual friends and give him some poison! But if you see that your ward feels not so good after it, hurry up to find some paracetamol in the menu and cure your friend. There are a lot of cool mini-games here – you can travel across the see with Juan trying not to crash your boat against rocks, or you can even fly with the cat, avoiding various obstacles. There are enough activities you can enjoy with Talking Juan – make sure you test them all! The game will be interesting for both kids and adults!

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