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Tom Memory

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Do you think you have a good memory? Wanna find that out? Then welcome to this equally fun and challenging game called Tom Memory! It’s based on the famous Talking Tom series, but here you will have to focus on memorizing and finding pictures that look the same. Of course, all of them will depict Tom and his friends, and you’ll instantly recognize the familiar art style if you already played any of the Talking Tom games!

Train your memory together with Tom!

The first level will be the easiest – but that’s only to warm you up and clue you in on the rules. You’ll see a bunch of tiles on the screen. For a few seconds, you’ll be able to look at these images and remember their positions. Then they will be turned out and the timer will start ticking. Your task is simple – find two identical pictures and click on them to make them disappear. At first, there will be just two. But as you go through the levels, their number will grow. Now you see that it’s no so easy as it seemed first!

One important rule to keep in mind is that the pictures you want to open should be clicked in a row, one after another. When you turn one of the tiles over, it will remain open only until the moment you click on another one. And if it’s not identical, both tiles will be closed again, and you’ll have to start over. So the more mistakes you make, the more job you have to do. Try to pass all the levels without a hitch until the time runs out!

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