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Talking Tom Funny Time

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Tom is a great cat that you may already have had a chance to meet in other games of the series. And he has a special ability – he can talk! Not on his own yet, but he can repeat the words you say into the microphone. You will surely spend a wonderful time together in this new Talking Tom game!

Enjoy your leisure in Tom’s company!

As we already told you, Tom is not a simple cat. He lives in a real house that he needs to furnish and clean up, he goes to work just like humans (in fact, he occupies a very important and prestigious position at a local news channel) and he has a whole slew of hobbies and activities he will gladly share with you. Besides, he has a bunch of friends that are just as charming and that will be happy to meet you. Plunge into the cozy and exciting life of Tom and his friends, set out on great adventures, help them cope with various tasks and enjoy the gameplay!

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